28th January 2019
Hilary Edwards-Malam, MA! Proof that we should never rule anything out!
Last Thursday my Masters degree was conferred at Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral of Christ the King and it was a wonderful day, closing two years of study and creative practice at Liverpool Hope University.
The day started early at 6.30 to catch the train to Liverpool, followed by a taxi ride to Liverpool Hope’s main campus, Hope Park, to collect our tickets and my gown. The robing took place in the Chapel and I now know my hat size is 6 5/8! The Chapel’s architecture has a flavour of the Cathedral where my graduation was to take place.
Another taxi ride took us to the Metropolitan Cathedral, affectionately known locally as Paddy’s Wigwam. It was built in the 1960s and is circular in design. The red carpet was in place and I felt a little nervous tingle of excitement on walking in.
High above, the lantern tower represents a crown and the colours used in the stained glass represent the three persons of the Trinity of God. Below is another crown, a reminder of the one in the Chapel.
And this is me!
It seemed a very fitting place to hold the ceremony, in a place of worship and thanksgiving. It fitted so well with the ethos of the university and with my final pieces of work. It was a formal occasion, full of pomp and ceremony, but for all its grandeur it also felt personal and joyful.
There were LOTS of photographs afterwards! They captured the essence of the day, celebrating with family, fellow MA graduates and university staff.
You could be forgiven for thinking this post is about me blowing my own trumpet, and I really am thrilled to bits that I completed the course and earned my degree. But also, I hope I can encourage others who are currently ‘considering’ or ‘mulling over’ an opportunity. What are you waiting for?!!!
Two years ago, I attended the university Open Day to “rule out” doing an MA. I thought it was something that would be beyond my reach. I thought my work might not be good enough. I thought I might not be able to express my ideas. I wasn’t even entirely sure what my ideas were. Funnily enough, I didn’t think I was too old, though I was the oldest on my course (by quite a way!).
On the train to Liverpool I prayed for God to open the door if this was the right thing for me to do. Be careful what you wish for! The rest of the day saw doors being flung wide, from stepping through an archway of bible verses when I arrived at the campus, to being told, quite out of the blue, by a student. “Give your fear to the Lord!”.
The first term saw me feeling very out of my depth. The learning curve was steep and every day I discovered something new. It was exhilarating! My creative practice went through a massive series of developments and until eventually, I knew what I wanted to make for my final pieces. The outcome was way beyond what I imagined at the start!
So if you’re wondering whether to rule out doing something so you won’t be forever thinking, “What if…?” just give the door a little push. It’s the only way to know whether it will open for you or not, and you never know where it might lead!
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