MMMay18 - Week 1

My pledge for MeMadeMay18 is to wear something I’ve made four times per week throughout May. I also pledged to shop my stash and to make things I need, not just fancy making on a whim. The latter is so difficult!

I’ve had reason to go to a fabric store near my university several times over the last week and each time I’ve seen something lovely, and colourful, haptic, and desirable! I’d better not tell you if I succumbed or not, I’ll leave you to guess!

So far, the Me Made garments have included a long-sleeved Lark Tee, from Grainline Studio, which I made from scrap fabric left over from making a dress. I had to introduce an extra seam down the front (because I was using up leftovers) but I can live with that.

Next came the refashioned Uniqlo striped tee shirt (1997 vintage) which I married with a cast-off work shirt of DHs. The shirt is gorgeously soft cotton and works well  making a back and sleeve detail for the tee. Ive always found Uniqlo garments to be made of good quality long-lasting textiles. 

Third was this cotton jersey dress which I made about four years ago. Again, good quality fabric that is lasting well. The weight is just right and the dress is staying the right length, unlike some jersey dresses which Ive bought in the past which started life as calf-length and ended as ankle-length!

The pattern is this one, but without the side splits.

Finally for this week is this 100% woven cotton sundress which has a print I absolutely love.

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Unlike the black and white jersey dress, this is a dress which has not stayed the same length. Or width. It fitted perfectly until I washed it, then to my horror, I realised I had forgotten to wash the fabric before making it up! I know, Golden Rule broken. It was rather snug to say the least, but I had enough seam allowance to let it out enough to be able to breathe again, ha! Its a little shorter than Id like but I plan to wear it mainly on holiday in warmer climes so that all good. I used this pattern:

MMMay18 has really made me think about the clothes in my wardrobe. Despite a big sort-out last year I still have things that I dont wear and yet I also have gaps. I buy less than I used to and try not to buy without planning but there still work to do to knock it into better shape.